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Meals on Wheels

Hot meals (lunch) provided to seniors five days a week within one mile of the city limits of Aitkin.

Requirements: Homebound seniors age 60 and over
Suggested donation of $4.00 per meal , no cost for medical waivered clients

Partners: Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency, Aitkin Health Services, Volunteer Drivers

For More Information: 218-927-1383 or 1-877-810-7776 (toll free)

To Register: 218-749-2912 or 1-800-662-5711, ext 7323 (toll free)

Rural Delivery Services

Delivery to homebound seniors every other week within Aitkin County


  • Frozen meals and NAPS available for seniors 60 and older; other services available to homebound seniors and disabled adults
  • Suggested donation of $4.00 for frozen meals; no cost for medical waivered clients

Partners: Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA)

For More Information Call: 218-927-1383 or 1-877-810-7776 (toll free).

To Register Call: 218-749-2912 or 1-800-662-5711, ext. 7323